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internet of things conference

About Summit

The World Summit on Web 3.0 & IoT, often referred to as Webs Week 2024, is undeniably one of the most interactive and anticipated events in Europe within the realm of blockchain, exchanges, cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, mining, gaming and gambling, online payments, investment, and the fintech industry. This summit highlights around theme “Witness About The Newest Advancements in Web 3.0 & IoT” and promises to be a game-changer in the world of emerging technologies, offering a diverse range of topics and insights for the over 1,00 attendees and speakers it will host. The Webs Week 2024 is set to bring together a diverse array of individuals, ranging from experts, researchers, innovators, to industry leaders hailing from the realms of web development, Internet of Things (IoT), and associated fields. This event, scheduled for September 2024, promises to serve as a dynamic platform for in-depth exploration, discussion, and advancement of the intersection between Web 3.0 technologies and IoT ecosystems.

Webs Week 2024 in Frankfurt is poised to be an exciting and innovative gathering of tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. One of the most highly anticipated events during the summit is the speaker panel discussing NFTs and the Future of Virtual Worlds. As Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) continue to revolutionize the digital art and entertainment industries, this panel promises to delve into their potential impact on the virtual landscape. Attendees can expect a deep dive into how NFTs are reshaping the way we create, trade, and experience virtual realities.

Importance of Topic

Web 3.0 and IoT are shaping the future. They’re enabling personalized, integrated, and efficient digital ecosystems, transforming industries and enhancing our lives. However, their proliferation demands vigilance regarding security, privacy, and ethical considerations. As we tread into this era, harnessing their potential while addressing these challenges will determine how profoundly they impact our world.

The global Web 3.0 market is poised for significant expansion, with a projected size of USD 81.5 Billion by 2030 and an impressive revenue compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 43.7% during the forecast period. Several factors are contributing to this robust growth, including heightened transparency and enhanced data security measures, a surging interest in Non-Fungible Token (NFT) payments and digital collectibles, and substantial investments in Research and Development (R&D) by major industry players. Web 3.0 promises to revolutionize the digital landscape by seamlessly blending virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and high-quality 3D graphics, bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds. This convergence, coupled with the proliferation of advanced 5G and 6G technologies and the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, will make the web ubiquitous, extending its reach to a wide array of Internet-enabled devices, from smartwatches and smartphones to autonomous vehicles and household appliances. The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) will facilitate user-friendly interactions, while machine learning (ML) algorithms will empower chatbots to provide semantic and relevant user experiences. As a result, Web 3.0 is on the cusp of transforming the way we engage with the digital realm, offering a more immersive, interconnected, and intelligent online experience.


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Attending the World Summit on Web 3.0 & IoT in Europe holds immense significance in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. This Summit serves as a nexus of innovation, knowledge exchange, and collaboration in the fields of Web 3.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT). By participating, individuals and organizations gain access to cutting-edge insights, networking opportunities with global experts, and a platform to showcase their own contributions. It’s a place where ideas converge, fostering the development of groundbreaking technologies and applications that can shape the future. Whether you’re a researcher seeking the latest advancements, an entrepreneur looking for market trends, or a policymaker aiming to craft informed regulations, this Summit is a pivotal opportunity to stay informed, inspired, and engaged in the forefront of technological progress. It’s a gateway to the next generation of the internet and the limitless possibilities it holds for our interconnected world.

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Why You Should Attend Our Summit

The rise of Web 3.0 technology marks a significant shift in our digital interactions, particularly with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling devices like thermostats, cars, lights, and fridges to communicate seamlessly. Web 3.0, powered by blockchain technology, promises transparency, security, and autonomy in our digital experiences. As we step into 2024, the Web 3.0 ecosystem is rapidly evolving, offering exciting prospects for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.

To truly grasp the advancements in this field, attending Web 3.0 and IoT Summits is essential. These events showcase how technology is progressing, unlocking new possibilities. Whether you’re a developer, artist, investor, or entrepreneur, these Summits provide a wealth of learning opportunities through workshops, panel discussions, and keynote speeches. The upcoming Webs Week 2024 event, in particular, serves as an excellent platform for networking, facilitating connections with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry experts.

Here are some reasons why you need to attend a Web 3.0 industry event this year:

Having face-to-face interactions with industry experts

Hear industry experts delve into the future of the connected industry

Explore the application of Web 3.0 and IoT within the consumer sector

Creating business relationships with other Web 3.0 enthusiasts

Explore the latest advancements in decentralized technologies, NFTs, DeFi, security, dApps, and more

Brand new convergent emerging technologies Stage and Summit track Here are some reasons why you need to attend a Web 3.0 industry event this year:

Ever heard the phrase, “Your network is your net worth”? You can grow your network exponentially by going to Summit. Making friends and business contacts, getting to know others in the field, understanding different industry sectors’ needs, or helping someone find a job can also benefit your career.

No matter how experienced you are, there is always something new to learn. At industry events, you are exposed to a world of new ideas, programs, and techniques that can improve your business. Spending time with the industry’s top innovators will help get your creative juices flowing and will allow you to select new concepts to implement in your Work.

In our fast-paced, constantly busy world, we often forget about the immeasurable value of face-to-face interaction with industry peers and leaders. Do not miss the opportunity to make this your best year yet by empowering yourself with the tools and relationships needed for independent success. The World Summit on Web 3.0 & IoT is now open for registration!

If you are going to attend just one Summit each year, make it this one. Computer, Electronics and IT professionals just like you have already signed up, expecting to be empowered, educated, and encouraged. Together, we can make 2024 the best year of Web 3.0 & IoT and pave the way for a better future for the entire industry.

Webs Week 2024 initiated a great programme for students who have good research, they could choose ‘poster presentation’ or ‘young researchers forum’ options. that are available to World Summit on Web 3.0 & IoT presenters. Through this means, students can gain experience explaining their research to the panel of experts during the session.

We believe that today’s students are tomorrow’s great researchers. For this reason we have two special recognition grants for young researchers in our Webs Week 2024 meeting; the ‘Best Poster Presentation’ award with a value of $300 and the ‘Young Researcher’ award with a value of $550. We hope this will encourage young researchers to do further quality research in the future.

In many cases, Summit attendees shy away from the tradeshow floor, because they want to avoid aggressive salespeople. At a reputable Summit, the vendors are selected for their high-quality products, integrity and commitment to the client’s success. In that case, IT industry events are the best way to discover innovative products and services that will make your life easier and help you stay ahead of the competition.

In many cases, Summit attendees shy away from the tradeshow floor, because they want to avoid aggressive salespeople. At a reputable Summit, the vendors are selected for their high-quality products, integrity and commitment to the client’s success. In that case, IT industry events are the best way to discover innovative products and services that will make your life easier and help you stay ahead of the competition.

In many cases, Summit attendees shy away from the tradeshow floor, because they want to avoid aggressive salespeople. At a reputable Summit, the vendors are selected for their high-quality products, integrity and commitment to the client’s success. In that case, IT industry events are the best way to discover innovative products and services that will make your life easier and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Summit are the perfect time to reconnect with old classmates, colleagues, and mentors. You will undoubtedly have new ideas, experiences and stories to share with each other as you catch up. You will certainly make new friends, but some of your most meaningful business ideas could come from a conversation with someone you have known for years.

Interactive workshops are another benefit of Summit attendance. This Webs Week 2024 offers free workshops that are essentially mini-classes where delegates learn new skills and how to use new technologies. Any interested attendee can organize a separate workshop with their colleagues/co-authors/friends/students to demonstrate their individual work/product/services.

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