Dieter Brockmeyer

cofounder and director of innovation & Time of the Diplomatic World Institute Belgium

Dieter Brockmeyer is a senior media industry and innovation expert, author, international keynote speaker, and panel host. He is Chief Project Officer (CPO) of the Diplomatic World project in Brussels and cofounder and director of innovation & TIME of the Diplomatic World Institute (DWI). He is cohost and executive producer of the Diplomatic World “Today & Tomorrow” video podcast series on innovation thinking. He curates international industry events and developed the DWI Wholistic World Innovation Trophy, since 2021 announced every fall at Barcelona’s Casa Llotja del Mar. The award is based on the concept of “Wholistic Innovation” Dieter is developing for the institute and that is explained in his books “Pandemia’s Box” (2021) and CAMPUS” (2024), both available on Amazon.